
䃫拼音 dǎn    䃫部首 石 䃫笔画 18 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 5 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 132513513344111251   䃫的意思、基本信息 䃫五笔86:DQDY 䃫五笔98:DQDY 五行: UniCode:40EB 四角号码:17661 仓颉:MRNCR GBK编码: 规范汉字: 䃫的解释


a silicate substance from the salt-wells in Szechwan; it is used as a wash for hardening plaster, etc., also for certain skin diseases, like ringworm, sulphate of copper


【午集下】【石字部】   ·康熙筆画:18 ·部外筆画:13

《廣韻》都敢切《集韻》《韻會》覩敢切,?  音膽。《玉篇》石  ,藥名,出蜀中。《正字通》本草綱目:石膽石中有汁,如膽汁,酸辛氣寒,治諸癇石淋目痛。俗作  。


a silicate substance from the salt-wells in Szechwan; it is used as a wash for hardening plaster, etc., also for certain skin diseases, like ringworm, sulphate of copper