
䌛拼音 yáo    䌛部首 糸 䌛笔画 18 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 6 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 354441112513554234   䌛的意思、基本信息 䌛五笔86:QYTI 䌛五笔98:QYTI 五行: UniCode:431B 四角号码:22693 仓颉:BRHVF GBK编码: 规范汉字: 䌛的解释


(same as 繇 徭 陶 謠 由 猶 悠 籀) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖 遙 傜)



隨從也。从系  聲。余招切〖注〗臣鉉等曰:今俗从  。文四 重二


(same as 繇 徭 陶 謠 由 猶 悠 籀) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖 遙 傜)