(same as U+832D 茭) Zizania latifolia, a kind of edible aquatic grass, rootstock (of the lotus), the joint of the sides of arms and the end of a bow
【申集上】【艸字部】䕧 ·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:16
《唐韻》下巧切,音澩。《博雅》䕧 ,根也。亦竹笋也。 又古巧切,音狡。《類篇》藕根也,江東謂之䕧 。又弓角接亦曰䕧 。 又《集韻》何交切,音爻。義同。
【ZDIC.NET 汉 典 網】䕧
⒈ 同“茭”。
(same as U+832D 茭) Zizania latifolia, a kind of edible aquatic grass, rootstock (of the lotus), the joint of the sides of arms and the end of a bow