
䣲拼音 fàn    䣲部首 酉 䣲笔画 12 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 7 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 125351154132   䣲的意思、基本信息 䣲五笔86:SGCA 䣲五笔98:SGCA 五行: UniCode:48F2 四角号码:13640 仓颉:MWIT GBK编码: 规范汉字: 䣲的解释


to heat the wine over night, to generally indicate the wine, to sell or buy alcoholic drinks, (dialect) to change in color, wore out clothes, to get worse


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to heat the wine over night, to generally indicate the wine, to sell or buy alcoholic drinks, (dialect) to change in color, wore out clothes, to get worse