
䥾拼音 xiě    䥾部首 金 䥾笔画 13 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 8 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 3111545151   䥾的意思、基本信息 䥾五笔86:QPGG 䥾五笔98:QPGG 五行: UniCode:497E 四角号码:87727 仓颉:OPBYM GBK编码: 规范汉字: 䥾的解释


(simplified form of U+4971 䥱) to melt or cast (metal) by using a mold; (non-classical form of U+5BEB 寫) to write; to draw


(simplified form of U+4971 䥱) to melt or cast (metal) by using a mold; (non-classical form of U+5BEB 寫) to write; to draw