to squat; to crouch, to move elastically; to be easily bent and stretched; to be flexible: (firuratively) to submit or rise according to circumstances
【酉集中】【足字部】䠐 ·康熙筆画:16 ·部外筆画:9
《廣韻》丘謬切《集韻》輕幼切,? 音螑。? 䠐 ,行不正也。 又《廣韻》苦鶪切《集韻》苦狊切,? 音闃。踞也。 又《集韻》丘救切,音糗。跛行也。 又《集韻》《類篇》? 牛救切,音? 。義同。 又《集韻》弃役切。踧䠐 ,屈申貌。@螑字原从狊作。
to squat; to crouch, to move elastically; to be easily bent and stretched; to be flexible: (firuratively) to submit or rise according to circumstances