
䲢拼音 téng    䲢部首 魚 䲢笔画 21 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 11 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 351143113435251211   䲢的意思、基本信息 䲢五笔86:EUDG 䲢五笔98:EUGG 五行: UniCode:4CA2 四角号码:79216 仓颉:BFQM GBK编码: 规范汉字: 䲢的解释


(simplified form of U+9C27) a kind of fish; stout; bluish gray color; big flat head; big mouth and small eyes; usually stay in the bottom of the shallow sea; half bured in the muddy sand


(simplified form of U+9C27) a kind of fish; stout; bluish gray color; big flat head; big mouth and small