
㲈拼音 sháo    㲈部首 殳 㲈笔画 16 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 4 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 1215213355453251   㲈的意思、基本信息 㲈五笔86:FNMK 㲈五笔98:FNWK 五行: UniCode:3C88 四角号码:47602 仓颉:GESHR GBK编码: 规范汉字: 㲈的解释


(same as 韶) the name of the music of the legendary Emperor, harmonious, (large seal type 鞀 婸) hand-drum used by pedlars; it is sounded by twirling it backwards in the hand, so that two swinging knobs can strike the face of the drum


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《廣韻》市昭切《集韻》時饒切《正韻》時昭切,?  音佋。與韶同。《周禮·春官》大司樂以樂舞。敎國子,舞《雲門》《大卷》《大咸》《大  》《大夏》《大濩》《大武》。《又》奏姑洗,歌南呂,舞《大  》,以祀四望。《註》《大  》舜樂也。言其德能紹堯之道也。 又《唐韻》《集韻》?  徒刀切,音陶。鼓名。與鞀同。籀作  。


(same as 韶) the name of the music of the legendary Emperor, harmonious, (large seal type 鞀 婸) hand-drum used by pedlars; it is sounded by twirling it backwards in the hand, so that two swinging knobs can strike the face of the drum