(same as 塞) (same as 愆) to fill up; full of; filled with; rich in contents; abundance, a fault; a mistake, to exceed; to be more than, to surpass
【卯集上】【心字部】㥶 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10
〔古文〕? ? 《廣韻》蘇則切《集韻》《韻會》悉則切,? 音塞。《說文》實也。 又通作塞。《書·臯陶謨》剛而塞。 又《玉篇》《廣韻》《集韻》? 先代切,音賽。義同。
(same as 塞) (same as 愆) to fill up; full of; filled with; rich in contents; abundance, a fault; a mistake, to exceed; to be more than, to surpass