(same as 瘱)quiet; calm; still peaceful, gracefully quiet, clear and ev ident; obvious, deep and far; profound and abstruse, to conceal; to hide
【卯集上】【心字部】㥷 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10
《集韻》詰叶切,音愜。叶也。《揚子·太? 經》隂氣㥷 而? 之。《註》㥷 ,協也。 又《廣韻》於計切,音翳。《揚子·太? 經》冥䭸 冒? ,中自㥷 也。《註》㥷 ,隱也,慙也。在中,故隱。䭸 音父。〇按此字見揚子太? ,有詰叶,於計二切,義亦各別。其在廓首者訓協,乃詰叶切也。其在晬測者訓隱,乃於計切也。廣韻有於計切無詰叶切,集韻有詰叶切無於計切,皆緣瘱字點畫相近而譌也。字彙未能辨明,《正字通》欲幷㥷 字廢之,亦非。
(same as 瘱)quiet; calm; still peaceful, gracefully quiet, clear and ev ident; obvious, deep and far; profound and abstruse, to conceal; to hide