
㤞拼音 chà    㤞部首 心 㤞笔画 9 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 3 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 442445315   㤞的意思、基本信息 㤞五笔86:NPTA 㤞五笔98:NPTA 五行: UniCode:391E 四角号码:93014 仓颉:PJHP GBK编码: 规范汉字: 㤞的解释


disappointed; to fail in attaining one's purpose; to be disappointed in attaining the ambitions, to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, to think; to consider; to ponder; to contemplate, to expect or hope with eagerness, a credit, straightforward; faithful and upright, to reprimand; to discipline; to punish


【卯集上】【心字部】   ·康熙筆画:10 ·部外筆画:6

《廣韻》徒落切《集韻》達各切,?  音鐸。《集韻》忖也。一曰企也。或作?  ?  。 又《集韻》直格切,音宅。《五音集韻》忠也,正也。 又《集韻》《類篇》?  抽加切,音侘。  傺,未定者也。



⒈  惊诧。


disappointed; to fail in attaining one's purpose; to be disappointed in attaining the ambitions, to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, to think; to consider; to ponder; to contemplate, to expect or hope with eagerness, a credit, straightforward; faithful and upright, to reprimand; to discipline; to punish