to go, to walk in one leg; leap; crippled, (ancient form of 逝) to pass; to be gone; to depart, (interchangeable 滯) in a standstill; stagnant; impeded; blocked
【酉集中】【足字部】䠠 ·康熙筆画:18 ·部外筆画:11
《廣韻》《集韻》? 都計切,音帝。姓也。《前漢·王莽傳》中常侍䠠 惲。○按《玉篇》从疋,在疋部。又《集韻》丑例切,音跇。與踅同。一足行也。 又《集韻》《類篇》? 當蓋切,音帶。又徒蓋切,音大。義? 同。? 惲。
to go, to walk in one leg; leap; crippled, (ancient form of 逝) to pass; to be gone; to depart, (interchangeable 滯) in a standstill; stagnant; impeded; blocked