
㶒拼音 shǎn    shěn    tàn    㶒部首 水 㶒笔画 21 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 3 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 441511225111211254444   㶒的意思、基本信息 㶒五笔86:IUCY 㶒五笔98:IUCO 五行: UniCode:3D92 四角号码:37120 仓颉:EANF GBK编码: 规范汉字: 㶒的解释


the current of a stream, brave; courageous; decision with courage; (a person) of determination, swift flowing of the water currents, to float; to waft, to overflow


【巳集上】【水字部】   ·康熙筆画:22 ·部外筆画:18

《集韻》式稔切,音審。  瀹,水流漂疾貌。《郭璞·江賦》      瀹。 又所感切,音縿。義同。 又《廣韻》《集韻》?  他紺切,貪去聲。  汎,水浮貌。 又《廣韻》《集韻》?  賞敢切,音摲。水貌。一曰果勇貌。 又《集韻》失冉切,音閃。與  同。流貌。


the current of a stream, brave; courageous; decision with courage; (a person) of determination, swift flowing of the water currents, to float; to waft, to overflow