
㪁拼音 qín    㪁部首 攴 㪁笔画 8 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 4 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 34452154   㪁的意思、基本信息 㪁五笔86:WYNC 㪁五笔98:WYNC 五行: UniCode:3A81 四角号码:81247 仓颉:ONYE GBK编码: 规范汉字: 㪁的解释


to hold; to grasp, rregular; uneven, a precipice beneath an overhanging cliff, (same as 拑) to take by force; to control with threat of force; to coerce


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《廣韻》巨金切《集韻》渠金切,?  音琴。持也,或作鈙。 又《廣韻》口含切《集韻》枯含切,?  音龕。  敧,不齊也。又《廣韻》丘广切《集韻》丘凡切,?  音奩義同。 又《廣韻》丘釅切《集韻》去劒切,?  音欠。厓下也。《類篇》厓閒也。 又《廣韻》丘嚴切《集韻》口嚴切,?  音厱。拈,或作  。 又《集韻》其淹切,音箝。義同。


to hold; to grasp, rregular; uneven, a precipice beneath an overhanging cliff, (same as 拑) to take by force; to control with threat of force; to coerce