to call somebody, (same as 泥) to beg; to entreat; to implore, to be bigoted; to adhere to the letter of the law; bigoted and conservative, poor ( speech)
【酉集上】【言字部】䛏 ·康熙筆画:12 ·部外筆画:5
《玉篇》奴奚切《集韻》年題切,? 音泥。呼人也。 又《集韻》女履切,尼上聲。言以示人也。或作呢。 又《集韻》乃許切,泥去聲。言不通也。
to call somebody, (same as 泥) to beg; to entreat; to implore, to be bigoted; to adhere to the letter of the law; bigoted and conservative, poor ( speech)