
㥵拼音 hùn    㥵部首 心 㥵笔画 13 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 3 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 4422513533341   㥵的意思、基本信息 㥵五笔86:NLEY 㥵五笔98:NLGE 五行: UniCode:3975 四角号码:96000 仓颉:PWMO GBK编码: 规范汉字: 㥵的解释


(a variant of 慁) to dishonour; to disgrace; to distress, grief; shame; to disobey, to be anxious; to be apprehensive; to worry, to disturb or to agitate; to harass, confused and disorderly


【卯集上】【心字部】   ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10



(a variant of 慁) to dishonour; to disgrace; to distress, grief; shame; to disobey, to be anxious; to be apprehensive; to worry, to disturb or to agitate; to harass, confused and disorderly