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《唐韻》山樞切《集韻》山雛切,? 音疏。《說文》繒端裂也。 又《集韻》容朱切,音逾。義同。 又《集韻》徒侯切,音頭。與褕同。䙈 褕,短袖襦。一曰近身衣。 又《廣韻》色句切《集韻》雙遇切,? 音數。《廣韻》裁殘帛也。 又《類篇》詢趨切,音須。繒采色。 又《類篇》帛邊也,漢制以爲關門符信。
to cut a strip of cloth; a breadth of material, (same as 繻) fine gauze, frayed edges of silk, silk torn into two pieces, one ofwhich was given as a credential and the other retained, a loose garment or cloak; fine clothes, the left over material after cutting; ragged fabric