food (some food as glutinouss rice tamale -- made by wrapping the rice in broad leaves of reeds and boiled for a few hours --usually with other ingredients, as dates, meat, oyster, beams, etc.
【未集上】【米字部】䊦 ·康熙筆画:18 ·部外筆画:12
《廣韻》烏結切《集韻》一結切,? 音噎。稯屬。《齊民要術》䊦 ,用秫稻米末,絹羅,水蜜溲之,長尺餘,廣二寸餘,以棗、栗肉上下著之,油塗,用竹箬裹,爛蒸。
⒈ 粽子一类的食物。
food (some food as glutinouss rice tamale -- made by wrapping the rice in broad leaves of reeds and boiled for a few hours --usually with other ingredients, as dates, meat, oyster, beams, etc.