
㚶拼音    㚶部首 女 㚶笔画 8 注音 繁体字 部首笔画 3 汉字结构 造字法 笔顺 53125151   㚶的意思、基本信息 㚶五笔86:VNHN 㚶五笔98:VNG 五行: UniCode:36B6 四角号码:47477 仓颉:VRLR GBK编码: 规范汉字: 㚶的解释


(same as 姒)wife of one's husband's elder brother; (in ancient China) the elder of twins; a Chinese family name, (same as 姬) a handsome girl; a charming girl; a concubine; a Chinese family name


【丑集下】【女字部】   ·康熙筆画:8 ·部外筆画:5

《集韻》姒古作  。註見本畫。


(same as 姒)wife of one's husband's elder brother; (in ancient China) the elder of twins; a Chinese family name, (same as 姬) a handsome girl; a charming girl; a concubine; a Chinese family name